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Showing posts with the label Email marketing metrics

7 Email Marketing Metrics Everyone Must Consider

 Are you ready to dive into the email marketing metrics? We'll take a technical approach to measure the email campaign success. Understanding these metrics is like having a secret decoder ring to unlock the hidden treasures of your email marketing efforts. From the open rate that reveals how many recipients eagerly opened your emails, to the click-through rate that measures engagement, and the conversion rate that tells you how effective your emails are at driving actions, we'll explore seven key metrics that will help you optimize your campaigns. Email marketing metrics Here are few important email marketing metrics. Open Rate Click-through Rate (CTR) Conversion Rate Bounce Rate Unsubscribe Rate Delivery Rate Revenue per Email (RPE) Open Rate Let's talk about one of the most crucial metrics in email marketing: the open rate. It's like the first impression of your email campaign, and it's essential. Open rate measures